New Update!

Hello everyone. All of my Reviews, that I have yet to write, will be posted sporadically during the summer. After the end of this summer, I will not be posting on here anymore, as you will see the info on the right side of the blog.
Thanks for your understanding.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What 'One Lovely Blog Award!'

This is a bit long overdue, but I want to thank Suzy @ Lowfell Writers Place & Andreia @ Tryony for nominating my Blog for One Lovely Blog Award. I really appreciate it! :) 

Here are the requirements for the award:

- Include the pic in the post.
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Include This Set Of Rules.
- Provide 7 Random Facts about yourself. 
- Nominate at least 15 other blogs.
- Inform your Nominees by posting a comment on their blogs. 

*Now 7 Random Facts About Me*

- For starters, I was born and raised in Southern California, U.S. 

- Hmm...I love coffee and drink it pretty often, maybe too much, but for now, I see it as something much needed! ;)

- I am actually really interested in Genealogy. Ok, this is a little short story but: A relative from one of my parents side looked into their Genealogy, and found so many countries that the family is linked to, including from Greece, Italy, Ireland, France, and from Spain, there are even some Jewish roots, and I heard this all a few years ago, and thought that was pretty interesting and cool, so since I've just had the inkling to investigate more, and love the shows Who Do You Think You Are? and one from PBS, so there's that. 

-Since I was little, I've always had the urge to travel, and hopefully I'll study abroad, or just travel soon, and I have my eye on a few countries in Europe :)

- Ummmm Friends is really one of my ultimate favorite shows! I watch one here and there at times, and it just never gets old! 

- Christmas is my favorite Holiday, not just because my B-Day is in the same month... :) .... but it's a good excuse to just watch a ton of Holiday films!

- (Amazon Gift Card Alert!) CLOSED! No more Entries. 

My Nominees (In no particular order)
*I know I'm late in putting this up, but if you have already been nominated, I hope you still check out this Post, and want to say congrats to you all! You all have Incredible Blogs!* 

(Oh and if and when you decide to post about this Award, send me a link; I would love to check your posts!)


  1. Replies
    1. You have one lovely blog, and thank you for stopping by!

  2. Thanks Marissa for nominating my blog! It made my week! :)

  3. Congrats!!!! Hmm. This is interesting. I will go with the 13th because my little sister and I were born on 13th days lol.

    1. Thank you for stopping by!'s not 13... :)

  4. Hi Marissa, Congrats on the award -you deserve lots more. You have a fabulous blog. Great giveaway also. All the best.

    Suzy H

    1. Thank you so much Suzy! This was a wonderful Award to receive :)
      Talk soon!

  5. That's awesome, congrats Marissa!! Author Jennifer Delucy pointed me in your blog direction =)
    And for my guess I'll say the 26th


I love to read what you have to write and I like to write back, so feel free to comment :)

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